APITHERAPY is called the method of treatment and prevention with honey and bee products (from the Latin apis - bee). The main product is, of course, honey, but beeswax, pollen, clay, royal jelly and bee venom are also used together with it. The industrious bees extract them from the plants, process them and accumulate them in the hives, so people take them ready as biologically active substances and use them for millennia. These products carry all the wealth of healing properties of the plants from which they are collected, further multiplied by the way of processing through the unique bee organism and the way of storage in the beehive. Among them
bee glue (glue, balm) plays an extremely important role in the good protection of the bee family and its products. It is the PRIMARY "DISINFECTANT" AND PRIMARY "MEDICINE" AGAINST ALL HARMFUL DISEASE CAUSING MICRO-ORGANISMS that could infect the hive or its inhabitants. That is why it is often called the "pharmacy" of the hive or the "natural antibiotic". Its protective functions are also encoded in the name "PROPOLIS" , which in Greek means "in front of the city/fortress".
For the past 50 million years, no other insect has been able to replicate the extraordinary processes that take place between the walls of the hive. BEE GLUE IS AN ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE SUBSTANCE THAT BEES CREATE THEMSELVES . From the buds of the plants, they collect drop by drop the various waxes, balsams and resins that have protective functions for the plants. Most often, the basis for propolis is the substances collected from the buds and young branches of poplars (defined as the most important source), chestnuts, willows, plums, oaks, firs, ash trees, birches, as well as from the bark of pines. At the first stage the bees collect these substances from the plants, mix them with their saliva, and this new, biochemically altered sticky mass they deliver to the hive in the baskets on their hind legs (as they also transport the pollen), but without entering. Bees have a very strict division of labor. Only the youngest bees, which are still "clean", "work" in the hive. The older the bee, the "dirtier" work it does and the further away from the hive it is. Because there, at home, the atmosphere is sterile, despite the ideal environment for the development of all kinds of microorganisms and molds: humidity around 70%, temperature 37-38˚С, a huge amount of inhabitants (between 50,000 and 80,000) who are constantly coming in and out. The main credit for maintaining this sterility goes to propolis. In the second stage the transferred plant resins are immediately processed with secretions from the "house bees" and only then is the resulting bee glue used for the needs of the home and family. With it, they polish the cells and make a cover for them to keep the larvae or honey in them and provide primary protection against microbes, fungi, molds; they fill cracks and gaps in the hive to protect themselves from external climatic influences; "pack" the killed uninvited guests (mice, lizards and other small
animals entered the hive) that they cannot throw out on their own, thus preserving and protecting them from decomposition, isolating the hive from subsequent disease-causing processes. They also cover their own body with glue to protect themselves from possible diseases. The glue is collected only in the summer, the excess is stored for the time being and it is this that the beekeepers take out and use. From one hive, up to 300 grams of propolis can be extracted annually and stored for 7 years.
Thanks to its exceptional composition, propolis is a complex highly bioactive product with pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic and antiradiation properties . As such, it has been used since ancient times, although in-depth scientific research proved and explained these possibilities only in the twentieth century.
The first information about the use of propolis was found in ancient Egypt (3200 - 1100 BC), in the papyrus discovered by the German Egyptologist Ebers. This scroll,
65 feet (19.81 m) long and containing a list of ancient medicines, is the first written evidence of the medicinal plants and animal
products used in those times, among them bee propolis. They used it mainly in the processes of embalming and mummifying the bodies of the dead, i.e. his inherent
qualities of an extraordinary conservative were discovered. The ancient Greeks (1900 - 300 BC), who gave the name "propolis" used it most actively because of its antiseptic and
early healing capabilities. In the "History of Animals" Aristotle recommends it for infected and purulent wounds, for skin problems. As a medicinal substance, it also appears in some ancient Hebrew texts, and its exceptional therapeutic properties are even described in the "Old Testament". The knowledge was also passed on in ancient Rome, where bee glue was sold more expensively than honey, and every legionnaire carried a piece in his backpack during the long military campaigns. In the works of Pliny and Dioscorides
began a scientific debate about the origin of propolis, but the general conclusion was that it reduces pain, heals wounds, ulcers, abscesses, removes inflammation and is a good pain reliever. A century later, the great Galen joined these statements. On the other side of the world, the Incas of South America also knew and used propolis for its antimicrobial properties in the treatment of diseases accompanied by fever. In the 11th century, Avicenna (980-1037 Persian physician, philosopher, scientist, poet and musician, considered the father of modern medicine) advised the use of beeswax for arrow wounds, as well as for any otherwise invisible wounds. In Europe, old medical works from the 12th century show that this invaluable bee gift is included in the composition of many medicines against
skin diseases and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. _Propolis is also considered to be one of the secret ingredients in the lacquer coating of the stringed instruments (violins, harps, cellos, etc.) of the great Italian master luthier ANTONIO STRADIVARIUS_ (1644 – 1737). During the time of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821) and his great military campaigns, French soldiers also used propolis massively to treat their wounds. But beeswax was most actively and officially
used as a disinfectant and for anesthesia by English doctors in the so-called Boer Wars (1880-1902). The Boers were the Dutch settlers in Africa who started anti-colonial wars against the British that led in 1910 to the creation of the Union of South Africa with the rank of a British dominion. In World War II, the Russians
doctors also used propolis to treat wounded soldiers and as a disinfectant in hospitals. After which he was forgotten for many years. It was "rediscovered" by the Danish biologist K. Lund Aagaard, who was also an amateur beekeeper. In 1967, he fell ill with an acute inflammation of the throat, but instead of staying at home and receiving treatment, he went on an excursion with his colleagues. During the night he raised the temperature above 40 degrees and already in his delirium the word "propolis" surfaced. As soon as he reached
his study, where he had a good quantity of beeswax collected for several years, he took it out, pounded it and poured hot water over it. He filtered it several times through a coffee filter, with some of the resulting tea-colored liquid he rinsed his throat profusely, and drank the rest, lay down and fell asleep. The next day he was completely healthy and resolved
to undertake the study of this bee product in depth. Until 1973, a number of scientific studies were carried out in Denmark and all of them confirmed the exceptional healing properties of propolis, proved the absence of side effects during treatment with it and described the mechanisms of its effects.
The impossibility of bacteria and viruses to adapt and build immunity to propolis was proven practically and scientifically, and at the same time, the
antimicrobial activity of some antibiotics was found to increase when used together. Research continues today in scientific laboratories around the world, and the results are announced at a number of specially organized scientific meetings and symposia.
ITS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES describe propolis as a valuable resinous substance. Its color varies from brilliant yellow-green to dark brown-red and darkens on prolonged standing. It is heavier than water and immediately falls to the bottom of the vessel, unlike beeswax which remains on the surface. It liquefies at a temperature above 70°C (a property used to separate the wax), at 40°C it becomes sticky, at 30°C it is flexible and convenient for modeling (the temperature of the hive), at room temperature it hardens, and below 15°C C becomes brittle and highly brittle (a property used to separate from the frames in the hive). Dissolves in hot water up to
12-15%, fully retaining its valuable properties. But it is best and most effectively dissolved in ethyl alcohol, up to 75%. Therefore, the most commonly used form is the "propolis tincture" or alcohol extract. The name "glue tincture" is also common. Some physical studies also describe its ability to absorb
electromagnetic waves in the range of 280 nm – 360 nm, which corresponds to the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays responsible for tanning and sunburn.
PROPOLIS IS A COMPLEX CHEMICAL COMPOUND IN WHICH 284 DIFFERENT COMPOUNDS HAVE SO FAR BEEN ISOLATED , BUT ONLY 111 OF THEM HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED. It is known to be 50 to 70% vegetable resins and balsams, 30 to 50% waxes, 5 to 10% bee pollen, 10% essential oils, and up to 5% tannins and mechanical impurities. It contains: 14 of all 15 minerals needed by the human body (does not contain only sulphur); all known vitamins (without vitamin K), although in small quantities; as well as 16 amino acids, including 7 of the eight essential ones (tryptophan, leucine, phenylalanine, methionine, valine, threonine, lysine, asparagine, glutamic acid, cystine, glycocol, histidine, arginine, proline, tyrosine, alanine). The composition of propolis changes depending on the vegetation surrounding the hive, climate changes and human activity.
The most significant group, about 25%, among this wealth of biologically active substances are flavonoids , recently accepted as one of the best natural antioxidants. Some American authors claim that in propolis they are up to 500 times more than in oranges. Combined with the other ingredients, they turn it into an effective system of biological impact, working in full synchrony and synergy , which means that each individual ingredient repeatedly reinforces
the action of the others in the unified whole. This is also due to its EXCEPTIONAL MEDICINAL EFFECT :
- antiviral,
- antimicrobial,
- antifungal,
- anti-inflammatory,
- immunostimulant,
- pain reliever
- antitumor,
- detoxifying and regenerating tissues - a natural alternative to chemical medications and especially to artificially created antibiotics .
Propolis is not toxic. Scientific studies have proven that bee glue stimulates the synthesis of nucleic acids (building DNA and RNA) and the synthesis of proteins in cells. Studies using an electron microscope show that the mechanism of the beneficial action of propolis is primarily based on physiological stimulation of the specific building processes of the specific protein molecules, stimulating the protective and regulatory functions of the proteins. And proteins are one of the most important building blocks of the living cell, as the storage and implementation of genetic information, the structure of the cell, the course of metabolic processes and the maintenance of internal balance in organisms depend on them. Perhaps that is why no way has yet been found to artificially synthesize propolis or mimic its effects!
And the field of its influence is very wide, without any side effects or disturbances in the activity of other organs and systems. Research done so far shows that it includes:
- strengthening and maintaining a healthy immune system;
- stimulation of the enzymatic activity of cells;
- strong analgesic and anesthetic effect, superior to 3 times that of cocaine and 5 times that of novocaine;
- treatment of acute inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, digestive tract and excretory system;
- strengthens blood vessels, improves their permeability and all blood circulation, has a vasodilating effect, helps to clear sclerotic plaques, relieves the symptoms of arthritis, gout;
- favorably affects the activity of glands with internal secretion such as the thymus and thyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands and gonads;
- recent studies prove that it supports the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue;
- the antibacterial action is bactericidal (kills bacteria) and bacteriostatic (stops their development), thereby protecting the entire organism from infections, its effect on the most common pathogenic bacteria has been proven: Streptococcus aureus, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Bacillus anthracis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Escherichia coli, Shigella, etc.;
- protects the body from molds, fungi and viruses, destroys them without damaging the normal intestinal microflora and causing dysbacteriosis, has a categorically proven effect even against Candida albicans, Trichomonus vaginalis, the herpes virus and influenza;
- strengthens the nervous system and has a calming effect on the human psyche;
- improves memory, physical, mental and mental performance;
- improves vision, treats conjunctivitis;
- actively treats periodontitis and all other diseases in the oral cavity;
- treatment of skin diseases, burns, eczema, abscesses, wounds of different nature, warts, acne, itching;
- relieves symptoms and quickly treats diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ears, pronounced anti-asthmatic effect;
- stimulates faster recovery of the body after past infectious diseases;
- enhances hair growth, strengthens hair and scalp; * acts as an antioxidant and improves metabolic processes;
- protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet sun rays and is a wonderful preventive and curative agent against radiation damage;
- recent research shows that it can prevent or at least slow the growth of certain types of cancer cells.
Propolis is used alone or together with herbal extracts in the form of various tinctures, sprays, syrups, capsules, tablets, creams, gels, suppositories, etc., and its use has increased sharply in recent years. More and more people are rediscovering this natural gift and incorporating it into both completely natural healing and cosmetic products as well as medicinal preparations of the pharmaceutical industry. The largest consumer of beeswax in the world today is Japan. In Bulgarian folk medicine, it is one of the most respected and used natural gifts.
If you are a lover of experiments at home, you can easily check the antibacterial activity of your bee glue with the following experiment: pour fresh milk (real, country, unboiled) into two glasses, previously boiled (disinfected). In one drop a few drops of propolis tincture or put a few small lumps of glue and leave at room temperature. In the glass in which there is glue, the milk should not sour as quickly as the other milk. Well, propolis destroys microorganisms, acts antibacterially. This will mean that your propolis is good and you can actively include it in the home first aid kit.
You can always buy a ready-made propolis product. In Bulgaria, the "glue tincture" as a 20% or 30% alcohol extract is one of the most common remedies and is sold not only in herbal but also in normal pharmacies, unlike many countries around the world. Before you start using propolis, do a test to see if you are allergic to it. Only 5% of people have such an allergy, but no one is insured. Be careful. On the inside of the wrist, smear a small area with the propolis preparation you are going to use. Cover and wait 24 hours. If the area is not red, swollen, itchy, etc. you can also use the product internally. And be perfectly healthy!
The powerful antibacterial effect of bee glue is the reason why it is included in the products of our COSMETIC SERIES
BIO ARGENTUM FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN , in the most important product for a baby cosmetics - "Bio anti-itching cream”, as well as in our herbal “Repellent for babies and children". This cream can be used not only for babies, but also for everyone who has acne or similar problems. Try it. In fact, our cosmetics are suitable for everyone who already prefers healthy and natural cosmetic products.
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